Sunday, January 29, 2012

As We Gather-As We Depart, Let Us Pray

In just a little while, the church will gather here at Williams Creek Baptist.  How shall we prepare for this momentous occasion as we assemble together to worship the most high God?  Let us begin with prayer.  Pray that God would be most glorified as we lift up His name.  Pray that your heart is surrendered and prepared for the teaching of His powerful Word.  Pray for the lost, pray for the weak and weary, pray for those who expound the Scriptures, pray for your family, pray for your brothers and sisters who are in the Lord...pray for God to move in this place of gathering, in this community, in this this world.

As we prepare to leave our time together this morning, let me encourage you to do one more thing: PRAY.  Charles Spurgeon charged his flock in this manner as they prepared to depart from the gathered assembly on the Lord's Day, January 6, 1861:

"Get alone, dear Friends, get alone this week! Pray for your children this week, and groan with God over your ungodly sons and daughters! Pray for your neighbors this week! Put God to the test! See if He does not open the windows of Heaven upon you. Be much in prayer and you shall be much blessed. And O poor Sinner! You who have never prayed beforethe year of Gods re deemed is come! This is the acceptable day of the Lord; if you seek Him, He will be found of you. 'Seek you the Lord while He may be found. Call you upon Him while He is near.'” (Charles Spurgeon, A Sermon for the Week of Prayer, January6, 1861)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Strawberry-Rhubarb Theology: The Grace of God in the Bible

The apostle Paul describes the indescribable gift of grace given in redemption: "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9 NASB). None of us deserve God's sovereign grace, and yet He gives it to His people as a gift! God's grace is revealed throughout the unfolding story of redemption throughout the Bible. Dane Ortlund, Bible Publishing Director at Crossway, offers a wonderful synopsis of God's grace as it is revealed in every book of the Bible. Let the richness and depth of God's merciful grace encourage and strengthen your faith today.

Strawberry-Rhubarb Theology: The Grace of God in the Bible: There is always a danger of squeezing the Bible into a mold we bring to it rather than letting the Bible mold us. And, there could hardly be...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Welcome To Pastor Mike's Blog

God has given me the great privilege to shepherd the wonderful people of Williams Creek Baptist Church.  The intended purpose of this blog will be to exhort, encourage, edify and inform those who are part of the Williams Creek family.  At the beginning of this blog, may I encourage each one to pursue the daily reading of God's Holy Word.
     As we have already noted in our announcements within the previous two weeks, one the most vital investments a follower of Christ can make in their spiritual life is time devoted to the study of God's Word.  Many of our people have already picked up one of the two Bible reading plans available at the church Welcome Center.  The first plan is known as The 52 Week Bible Reading Plan which engages the following weekly schedule: Sunday-Epistles, Monday-The Law, Tuesday-History, Wednesday-Psalms, Thursday-Poetry, Friday-Prophecy and Saturday-The Gospels.  The second plan is known as The Two Year Bible Reading Plan which walks the reader through the Bible in two years from Genesis to Revelation and engages a daily reading in the Psalms.  Justin Taylor offers some other helpful insights and links to Bible Reading Plans at his blog, Between Two Worlds.